Still waiting by the mailbox for your monthly statement? Did you know that most cases of identity theft originate from stolen documents mailed to your home or found in your trash? eStatements won’t get lost or stolen in the mail, protecting your identity and reducing your chances of mail fraud. Polam FCU online eStatements save you time and keep you safe. Need to check a deposit from three months ago? Polam keeps your statements online for up to six months, so you can do all that and more.
- eStatements are free.
- Past 6 statements are available for viewing
- View, print and save your statements and notices anytime.
- Receive an email alert when your statement is ready.
- Receive faster than mailed statements.
- Saves paper and reduces clutter.
- Provides increased security.
- Eco-Friendly.
Ready to sign up for eStatements?
To opt out of receiving paper statements, call us at (650) 367-8940