If you or one of your family members is getting ready to head off to college in the fall, this is the perfect time to start considering the expenses that come with being a college student. While tuition is a given, there are quite a few other common expenses related to being a college student that often go overlooked. Planning ahead will put you in a better position to handle these expenses, as well as any other financial surprises that you might see in the process.
Textbooks and additional classroom supplies.
Books can cost a bundle, depending on what courses you take, and they aren’t covered by your tuition costs. According to a study on EducationData.org, the average estimated costs of textbooks and school supplies for in-state students at a four-year college can come out to almost $1,300. As you can see, these costs can quickly add up.
Room and board.
While not every college student has to relocate, many students do in order to get the full educational experience. If you intend to live on campus, you should consider both the cost of your dorm as well as any meal plans that come with living on campus. Most dorms don’t have full kitchens, so meal plans are often a necessity.
Electronics and technology.
If you don’t already have a laptop computer, now is the time to price one out, as you will need one. It often helps students to own a printer, but if you don’t have the money or the space, you can utilize campus libraries. If your courses require any additional equipment, you should budget for that as well.
If you or one of your loved ones are considering college next fall and you need financial assistance with any part of your educational experience, visit our website – Polam offers personal loans to our members who need a bit of extra financial assistance in reaching their goals.